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It is tough from time to time

Hello lovelies!

Some of you might think that everything is peachy all the time and that nothing can be wrong, because hey I'm in a big city, what could possibly be wrong with that?

The truth is, you don't notice that you're in a big city, so it does get tough!

It's like, when you are almost done with school, and you can see the finish line but there are so many things that still has to be done. It's that feeling. The feeling of enough. No more, or I will break.

That's how I've been feeling for the last couple of days. I mean it's great to be back and all, it really is, but enough is enough! I don't wanna go home or anything. It's still great to be here don't get me wrong. It's just that feeling of not doing enough. There is something missing from your everyday life! But what is it? Who knows? I don't even know myself... It would be great if somebody could just tell me.

Everybody goes through this at least once in their life! Some might do it every year or more than once a year and others might be lucky and not go through it at all. Everything is different from one person to another.

But it really is tough being in another country and feeling like something is missing and not knowing what you can do about it!

With that said, I'm okay. My everyday life is just to boring and to circulating. So hopefully I will figure something out!

Last week the weather was really cold but not snowy cold (unfortunately). It's only been just below 0. But it's still pretty cold for England.

This week it will be much warmer and more mild, today it was 15 degrees(!!!), så that's pretty crazy, and they do say it's gonna stay that way for a while, so that's nice now that we can't really get any good snow!

Hope everybody is having a blast in the snow, and that everybody arrived beautifully in the year 2016! (Still can't believe it)

XOXO Monica

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